Puppy Training Tips for Everyone

by puppy training tips on March 4, 2023

Puppy Training Tips

It is extremely important to be able to train your puppy to not bite people unless the puppy is being used for defense. This is important because unwarranted puppy biting can lead to fines, loss of your puppy, or termination of the puppy’s life. The tips in this article will help you with preventing your puppy from biting and more puppy training tips.

When you start your puppy training, make sure that you aren’t so focused on making them a good puppy that you just ignore their basic needs in the process. They still require basic care like food, water, a place to sleep, and a place to go to the bathroom. They are still your responsibility.

Training your puppy is a daily, on-going process. Ask your puppy to sit before being petted, fed, or taken outside. By constantly reinforcing lessons, your puppy will learn that all commands are applicable in all situations. If you train only in specific locations at specific times, you may end up with a puppy that only “sits” in the living room at 6 p.m.!

To ensure a well-trained four-legged friend from the start, make sure you practice consistency in all you do once you bring your new canine companion home. This means discussing all aspects of the puppy’s care, needs and training with all members of your household. A puppy that is getting yelled at by one family member for urinating in the house while another family member just quietly cleans up the mess serves only to confuse and frustrate the puppy. If all members of the family treat the puppy uniformly, whether admonishing it or showering it with praise, the puppy will learn more quickly, and all family members will have the ability to successfully command the puppy with ease.

To get your puppy to crawl on command, have him start in a lying position. If you are tall enough, or your puppy is small enough, place your leg, heel on the floor, knee up, in front of him. Take a treat and lead him underneath your leg. If your puppy cannot fit under your leg, find another low threshold, like a chair, that he can crawl under. This makes him have to scoot forward to get the treat and will reduce his urge to stand up to follow your hand.

You should teach your puppy to walk on a loose leash. The process is simple: when taking your puppy for walks, if he begins to pull, stop. As soon as the leash loosens, begin walking again. Being consistent with this will teach your puppy that he will not get to proceed if he is pulling. This will allow for a much more enjoyable walk for you, and also save your arm muscles from getting too sore!

In summary, nobody wants to be bitten by a puppy. You are responsible for anything that your puppy does, and if someone is bitten by it then you will pay the price. Follow the tips in this article in order to keep your puppy under control so that both you and your puppy will benefit.

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